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Game Dev Crash Course (Clickteam Fusion 2.5)

Let’s dive in the deep end and get developing with Fusion 2.5!

Course Rating:

Students: 158

Language: English

Clickteam Approved

What you'll learn

Course Content (Curriculum)

  • Game Dev Course Introduction
  • The Fusion 2.5 Interface
  • The Common Objects
  • Creating Active Objects at Runtime
  • Add Backdrops at Runtime
  • The Built-in Timer
  • Flags in Fusion 2.5
  • Creating Objects by Name
  • Using Basic Variables in the Expression Editor
  • Left – Right – Mid Substring Extraction
  • Converting Datatypes using Strings and Values
  • Score – Fade Effect
  • The Parallax Effect (Scrolling)
  • The After-Image Effect
  • Spawning Random Enemies
  • Using Video (and Green Screen)
  • The Rain Effect
  • Manual Parent and Child System
  • Using Parent and Child System Further
  • Spreading IDs
  • Using Random and RRandom in Fusion 2.5
  • Only One Action When Event Loops
  • Restricting Actions
  • Fire Event (and fire events after X delay)
  • Building a Custom Timer – Part 1
  • Building a Custom Timer – Part 2
  • The Window Object
  • GET Object (Referencing an Online API)
  • File-Folder Object (Copying Files)
  • ActiveX – Radio Streaming in Fusion 2.5
  • Android Exporter – Properties and Setup
  • How does a Fastloop work? #1
  • How does a Fastloop work? #2
  • Another example of Fastloops
  • The String Tokenizer
  • Creating an Avatar Builder – Part 1
  • Creating an Avatar Builder – Part 2
  • An Introduction to INI Files
  • Creating Profile Selection (Lists)
  • A Quiz Editor
  • A Quiz App



80% Discount


Requirements: You will need a copy of Clickteam Fusion Free, Standard or Developer for this course. You can use any version, Steam, Mac or Standalone.

Course Instructor

Danny Jay

Danny James

Long-Term Instructor

Instructor Rating


Course Description

Want to get to grips with designing and coding your own games and apps with Clickteam Fusion 2.5 in no-time at all? This course is for you. This is a no-nonsense crash course in Clickteam Fusion 2.5! Get ahead of the current range of people learning this awesome and powerful development tool with this crash course designed for beginners, intermediates and advanced!

In this game development course you will learn a lot of cool Game Development concepts and a lot of Game Design concepts but will also learn how to implement these concepts into your very own games that you design and develop with Clickteam Fusion 2.5. You will have access to the Course Forum where you can also discuss topics covered in the course and topics that aren’t covered.

This course has been designed to be understandable by anyone including beginners intermediates and advanced users, artists and programmers alike who wish to expand their knowledge of game design and game development with Clickteam Fusion 2.5.

By the end of this crash course you will have developed the ability to:

  • Use Clickteam Fusion 2.5
  • Create and use Fastloops
  • Create and use ForEach Loops
  • Design and Develop some cool game effects
  • Learn all about timers and developing your own custom timers
  • Flags, Alterable Values, Alterable Strings, Global Strings and Global Values
  • Learn how to create your own pairing system for Active Objects
  • Learn how to create, write, read and share data across multiple objects, frames and files
  • Learn how to use and manipulate data with Profile Selection screens etc.
  • Learn how to design your own Quiz Editor
  • Learn how to develop your own Quiz App
  • Build Save and Load Game routines, saving and loading data
  • Create awesome things like Avatar Systems
  • Learn how to make a Radio Streaming app
  • Manipulate Windows
    Spread IDs, manipulate IDs and so much more!

Enroll right now and get instant access to this course and get started immediately!

Start learning more about Game Development today with this course from OneClick Training!

Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to learn Game Design
Anyone who wants to learn Game Development
Anyone who wants to learn Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Anyone who wants to learn Mobile Development

Course Includes

Over 6 Hours of Video Content

22 Downloadable Resources


Access on Mobile, Tablet & TV

Full Tutor Support

Course Forum Access

Course Instructor

Danny Jay

Danny Jay

Long-Term Instructor

Click here to email Danny directly.

Software Developer and VP of Special Projects at Clickteam

I have been actively teaching Game Design, App Development, Networking and Website development since 2013. I really enjoy teaching others what I have learned over the years and it’s a great feat to be able to teach based on my experience also.

For me, to be able to teach in an effective manner, I not only have to be knowledgeable about the topic I am teaching but experience is key. Bringing your experiences into the teaching equation, enables you to share these experiences, give much better advice and planning.

Extended Teaching
Since 2014, I have been teaching actively on Udemy, the ClickFusion Academy and with 1-to-1 online tutoring, mostly via Skype. It’s a real enjoyable experience for me to be able to do this and I hope to continue doing it for many, many years to come.

Game / App Development
I have over 20 years experience with Windows, Software and Game Development. I have worked on numerous games for the PC, Xbox 360, Android, iOS and Flash markets. I have also been professionally developing software applications for desktop, mobile and web since 2011.

I have vast experience in not only programming, game design and development but also with server management which allows me to expand my development onto server-client applications.

Website Design / Development / Server Management
I have extensive experience in designing, building and maintaining computers networks and servers. Since 2005 I have pro-actively dealt in computer networking, designing, building and maintaining infrastructures for businesses around the UK. I also have extensive knowledge of designing and developing Server – to – Client applications.

I have been studying, designing and developing websites since 2001. I have also actively studied SEO on a weekly basis since this time and still to this day, maintain the same pro-active status. I have worked on hundreds of different web projects since 2001 and I am always working with the latest technologies to ensure my skill-set grows with it.

I have grown with technology since 1997. Here is a brief list of technologies I have had the opportunity to work first hand with:

– Flash
– Java
– Javascript
– Clickteam Fusion 2.5
– Game Guru

Please feel free to get in contact with me at any time.

Ratings and Reviews

Game Dev Crash Course
Average rating:  
 7 reviews
 by Richard
Good crash course

Do not take this course if you’re a beginner with Clickteam Fusion. But if you have played with a tutorial or three, or, if like me, you did not use Clickteam Fusion since a long time, it is a very good course. Fast paced, you see a lot of interesting things in a short amount of time.

Thank you for the great review, Richard. I agree, it's a fast-paced one, better suited to someone who just wants to get to grips with Fusion 2.5, warts and all! Thanks again. Danny

 by Jorge Ortiz Zurita

 by Jong Wang

 by Richard Rae

 by Mustafa Tozman

It's very good and understandabe so far!

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Game Dev Crash Course (Fusion 2.5)

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